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Knowledge of glass enamel

Date : 2016.12.26

1. Application

    The main application of glass enamel is decorating tempered glass (architectural glass,home appliance glass,furniture glass) and auto glass .

2. Tempered glass enamel

    Type: architectural glass;home appliance glass;furniture glass



    conceal the frame of building, electronic component or for showing.

3. Auto glass enamel

    Type: Front windshield glass enamel;Rear windshield glass enamel;Side winshield glass enamel and silver paste.


    To prevent ultraviolet radiation through the glass

    To prevent the glue used to bond the glass and car occur chemical change

    Conceal some conductive lines


4. Decorate glass ware

    Type: cosmetic bottle,beverage bottle,wine bottle,tableware cup[



    develop the new product

    fix the label

5. The composition of glass enamel

    1) The powder of glass enamel: Frit and Pigment

        a.Frit: a mixture of silicon dioxide as a main component and melted at a high temperature


        sintering performance,the combination of ink and glass

        Wear resistance

        Chemical resistance

        Thermal expansion coefficient


        a.Pigment: A mixture of metal oxides that can be melted at high temperatures



    Hiding powder


    2) Glass enamel: the powder of glass enamel ;medium oil

        Frit: a mixture of silicon dioxide as a main component and melted at a high temperature


        sintering performance,the combination of ink and glass

    3) Medium oil: A mixture of organic compounds

        Function: To provide printing performance on glass


6. The method of application

Spraying ; Roller printing ; Screen printing ; Curtain printing

    1) Spraying


        a. suitable small scale production

        b. Can achieve a good printing thickness

        c. Ink and water miscible, water cleaning equipment

        d. Suitable for all sizes and shapes of glass


        a. Excessive spraying produces contamination

        b. Excessive spraying results in loss

        c.  Low production efficiency (hand spray)

        d.  Labor intensity (hand spray)

        e.  Can not print pattern

    2) Roller printing


        a. High production efficiency

        b. Can achieve high printing thickness

        c. Less contamination of the glass edge

        d. High yield

        e. Suitable for all sizes of glass

        f. Clean


        a. Not suitable for small-scale production

        b. Can not print pattern

    3) Screen printing


        a. Suitable for printing patterns and overprint

        b. Do not pollute the glass edges

        c. High yield

        d. Less ink consumption

        e. High production efficiency


        a. Screen, making pattern costs

        b. Low printing thickness

        c. Not suitable for small-scale production

    4) Curtain printing


        a. High production efficiency

        b. A high printing thickness is obtained

        c. Ink and water miscible, water cleaning equipment

        d. Suitable for all sizes and shapes of glass

        e.  Clean


        a. Glass edge contamination

        b. There is a certain waste rate

        c. Not suitable for small-scale production

        d. Can not print pattern

7. Printing

    A. Printing instructions

        1) room temperature (20 ~ 23 ℃) storage ink to prevent precipitation;

        2) by adding medium oil, the use of low-speed mixer to adjust the viscosity;

        3) to maintain the standard temperature (21 ℃) measured viscosity;

        4) diluted, stirring the ink (suspension) standing 30min to eliminate the bubbles generated during mixing;

        5) The glass must be clean and dry, keep the same with the printing room temperature;

        6) to ensure that the glass is always printed on the same side (tin surface or non-tin surface) to avoid color;

        7) measuring the thickness of the printing to ensure that the thickness of the same, the thickness of the change may lead to changes in color;

        8) immediately after printing drying to prevent dust adhesion;

        9) For overprint, the glass must be returned to room temperature, and then the second color printing.

    B. Printing problems

8. Drying

    1) The method of drying: Infrared drying, UV curing (for automotive glass), hot India (flat cup, bottle)

    2) Purpose: A solid print layer was obtained before sintering and stored again.

    3) Parameters: wet film thickness, ink evaporation rate, drying speed, drying temperature.

    Recommendation: Immediately dry after printing to avoid sticking dust

    4) Meidum oil: solvents (such as pine oil, terpineol), polymers, additives (such as surfactants, flow agents, thixotropic agents)

    Note: For screen printing with varnish, can provide oil or water-based varnish